Rai - Technical Communications Centre in Grottarossa, Rome

The project of RAI’s Technical Communications Centre in Grottarossa, Rome, was made in the run-up to the 1990 World Cup in Italy.

Rai – Technical Communications Centre in Grottarossa, Rome

The need was to prepare the technical equipment and make the infrastructures needed to broadcast the sports event all over the world. For RAI, it was an opportunity for rationalising its facilities.

That’s how a new service centre was born, involving an impressive organisation which allowed for completing buildings, technological systems and the infrastructures needed within 18 months. The prefabrication system played a central role in shaping the entire structural design, influencing compositional decisions, construction techniques, and the overall speed of execution.

All structures, except the building heads, were prefabricated at the factory and then dry-assembled on-site. The works started on 1 August 1988, and the first construction lot was completed in the spring of 1989. Sergio Tremi Proietti coordinated and managed the whole project.